We will start taking volunteers again in mid-March of 2023. HOWEVER — we will have a new system in place to help us schedule volunteers. Please follow the link below to fill out the volunteer form.

We depend upon our community to support our mission of addressing food insecurity and hunger by providing both volunteer hours and financial contributions.
Typically, we need 2 or 3 folks to help out from 10 until 2:30, but some weeks we may need several more. From 3:30 to 6:30 we need folks to help with dinner service to our guests, and occasionally with jobs around the house. We usually need 4 to 6 folks during the second shift to help wait tables, fill drinks, plate food from the steam table, wash dishes, etc. Please wear closed-toe non-skid shoes, sleeved shirts, and restrain long hair.
When you or your group volunteers with us, please have each person sign up IN ADVANCE. This is not only for the no-fun-at-all-insurance-purposes, but to make sure that we have the the correct number of people for a given time-frame, and don’t have an abundance of humans to help on one evening, and no one to help on the next!
To reserve a spot on our volunteer schedule please call our Kitchen Manager/Volunteer Coordinator, Gary Wood, at 828.586.6782.
We also have other volunteer opportunities available with special events and we are often in need of maintenance and office help.
Please email us at ctofjackson@gmail.com or call us at 828.586.6782 for more information. Thank you!
The Community Table depends on donations from individuals, from you, to keep our doors open. As a relatively small organization we receive little in grant funding.
Financial contributions may be made safely and securely through the Donate Now button at the top of each page or by mailing donations to us at: The Community Table, P.O. Box 62, Dillsboro, NC 28725 or stop by and see us! Directions may be found on the About Us and FAQs pages. Please contact us with any questions you may have.
You can donate to The Community Table in honor of someone as a gift, anytime of year. You choose the amount, and we’ll gladly send a special card acknowledging your generous gift to your chosen recipients. It’s a meaningful idea for birthdays, anniversaries, holidays, weddings, or as a special thank you.
Annual Wine Tasting and Empty Bowl Fundraisers
Please support us by attending our annual Empty Bowl and Wine Tasting fundraisers. Click on the Events page for more information.
Food Drives
The Community Table has always depended upon in-kind donations of food. Over 90% of our food comes from our community. We need all kinds of food to be used in meal preparation and also to distribute to our clients in food boxes. We have seen a 600% increase in the need for food boxes since summer 2008, and that number is expected to grow. Please see our Every Day Wish List for ideas.
GoodShop.com and GoodSearch.com
Go to GoodShop.com, enter The Community Table as your chosen charity, and shop hundreds of well-known and diverse stores online. Each time you make a purchase, a portion of your sale will be donated to The Community Table. Essentially, you can help us for FREE! You can find everything from photo prints to contacts to rental cars -almost anything you can think of- through GoodShop.com. Try it next time you’re shopping online!
Just by doing an internet search using GoodSearch.com, powered by Yahoo!, you can help support The Community Table. Again, enter The Community Table as your designated charity and begin searching!
Shop at City Lights Bookstore
Shop online at the City Lights Bookstore using this link and a percentage of your purchase will go to support the Community Table.