The Community Table is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit whose mission is to provide nutritious meals, in a welcoming environment, to our neighbors in need. It is our vision that no one in Jackson County, NC goes to bed hungry.

We are also huge supporters of the community we serve — and we love books! The addition of a (mobile) Little Free Library is part of sharing that love. The Library well be available during our operating hours: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday from 11am-5:30pm barring weather mayhem and the occasional holiday!

What is a Little Free Library and How Does it Work?

How Does This Library Work?

This Little Free Library offers a way to share good things to read—favorite books from your childhood or books you would recommend to friends; books that teach, intrigue and engage you. All of us can help by keeping this collection stocked with good reading material.

Whose Library is this?

It belongs to everybody—neighbors, friends, and people we don’t even know yet. Anyone can use it. That’s why we want to take care of it.

Take a book.

If you see something you’d like to read, take it. You don’t have to give a book at the same time as you take one.

Share a book.

After you’ve read it, share it in any Little Free Library book-sharing box, bring it back here, or pass it on to a friend. Be a friend of all libraries, big and small. Share books whenever you can.

Get connected.

Download the Little Free Library mobile app at

¿Cómo funciona esta biblioteca?

Esta Pequeña Biblioteca Gratuita ofrece una manera de compartir buenos libros para leer— ya sean libros favoritos de tu niñez o libros recomendados por amistades; libros que enseñan, intrigan y captan tu atención. Todos podemos contribuir al mantener una excelente selección de libros

¿De quién es esta biblioteca?

Le pertenece a todo el mundo—vecinos, amigos y personas que aún no conocemos. Cualquiera la puede usar. Por eso es que queremos cuidarla.

Llévate un libro.

Si ves un libro que te gustaría leer, llévatelo. Mira adentro y ve quién lo donó y quién más lo ha leído.


Regrésalo a cualquier Pequeña Biblioteca o pásalo a un amigo o amiga.

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